Find the Right PG Year Program & Thrive

Our team guides families through the PG year process, helping students transition to college with new skills and confidence.

Our clients enjoy our services in person, at our Learning Center in Norwell, MA, and from anywhere in the U.S. or abroad via private, secure video conference.

Not All High School Seniors Are Ready for College

Most parents have a difficult time admitting when their teenager is not ready to perform at the undergraduate level. For many reasons, they avoid exploring PG (post-graduate) year programs and, instead, usher their unprepared high school grad into college. Unfortunately, these students often suffer academically, emotionally, and, in some situations, financially.

PG Year Programs Are Often Highly Competitive

Although a quality post-graduate year can be an ideal fit for some students, the private high schools that offer them are selective. Parents interested in pursuing this route often underestimate how much work is involved—something that typically results in rushed tours, disorganized applications, and unnecessary stress.

Vested Academics PG Year Consulting matches students with the best fits for their unique situation. Here’s how . . .


Elite Consulting

Professional searches

Composed of seasoned admissions consultants, our consulting team works with each family, addressing parent concerns and the specific needs of the student, to deliver a list of ideal PG year matches.

Communication & tour scheduling

We help students communicate with prospective schools to arrange tours and advise parents before, during, and after each visit on their schedule.

Application support

From transcripts to recommendations, personal statements to extracurricular resumes, our admissions consultants and professional writing coaches guide students throughout each phase of the PG year application process.


Find the Right Fit

By working one-on-one with your family, our admissions consultants find PG year programs with the perfect balance of academic and extracurricular offerings that will help your student flourish and prepare for college.


From Start to Finish

Offering unparalleled service and support, the Vested Academics Admissions Team walks parents and students through every step of the PG year process, from the search to your final application submissions.


Remove the guesswork from your family's PG year search

Client Success Stories


Educational consulting, from
kindergarten to college graduation.

Available Everywhere Via
Private Video Conference

Available In Person At Our
Norwell, MA Learning Center

Vested Academics

200 Cordwainer Drive
Suite 201A
Norwell, MA 02061

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sat: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

We Work With:

Grades 1-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
College Students


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