V.A.’s Private
Tutoring for the SAT®

Forget the ineffective bootcamps and self-paced courses! Our professional private tutoring for the SAT® can help your child reach their test prep goals.

Free Practice Tests

Whether you’re just getting started or assessing your progress, we offer our clients free full-length practice tests at our modern Learning Center, in Norwell, MA, helping them simulate the test-day experience.

One-On-One Tutoring

For the student who is looking for individual attention and a learning plan tailored to their specific goals, our private, one-on-one test prep tutoring for the SAT® is an excellent fit. Learn how our test prep tutoring works.

Small-Group Tutoring

By offering small-group, in-person test prep classes at our modern Learning Center in Norwell, MA, we keep our students engaged and involved during each meeting and throughout the duration of their learning.

At Vested Academics, our private Test Prep Tutoring Team helps our students prepare for the SAT®. Here’s how . . .


A Better Approach

Assessments & Practice Tests

Practice tests and assessments allow our private test prep tutors to save time by teaching students techniques that work for them from the start. Explore our approach.

Individualized Study Plan

From their first practice exercise to test day, students will have an outlined study strategy that offers a steady, step-by-step approach to daily, weekly, and monthly test prep.

Private or Group Tutoring

At Vested Academics, we understand that everyone learns differently. That’s why we offer our test prep tutoring in both the group setting and private, one-on-one sessions, allowing your child to study in the way that works best for them. Learn how our test prep tutoring works.


Professionals Only (Not Peer Tutors)

Most test prep companies hire student tutors. At Vested Academics, we only hire professional, experienced educators who have a master’s degree or higher.


In Person or Video Conference

Whether your child enjoys learning in person or via the convenience of private, secure video conference, our test prep tutors are ready to help.


Smarter, efficient test prep that works

Trademark® or TrademarkTM is a trademark registered or owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website or service. The Independent School Entrance Examination® and ISEE® are registered trademarks of the Educational Records Bureau (ERB). SSAT® is a registered trademark of The Enrollment Management Association. ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. SAT® and PSAT® are registered trademark of College Board. Other trademarks and test names are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with or endorsed by Vested Academics.


Educational consulting, from
kindergarten to college graduation.

Available Everywhere Via
Private Video Conference

Available In Person At Our
Norwell, MA Learning Center

Vested Academics

200 Cordwainer Drive
Suite 201A
Norwell, MA 02061

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sat: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

We Work With:

Grades 1-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
College Students


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