Tutoring & Coaching
for Grade 12

Let our learning support team help your high school senior reach their academic potential.

Our clients enjoy our services in person, at our Learning Center in Norwell, MA, and from anywhere in the U.S. or abroad via private, secure video conference.

Happier Students
Means Happier Parents

A Part of Your Team

Students are always heard

At Vested Academics, students have a say in their own learning. We listen carefully to what they tell us (and what they don’t) so we can always take the best approach.

We listen to parents

Our educators understand the challenges of parenthood. We look at the bigger picture, allowing us to hear you, adapt to your family’s unique needs, and effectively help your child.

Encouraged professional collaboration

Our goal is to see the whole student. Sometimes that means hearing from medical professionals, teachers, athletic coaches, and school counselors. Our consultants communicate with all the members of your child’s team, ensuring a comprehensive approach.

Service Matching Quiz

Take a 2-minute quiz and learn which Vested Academics services are right for your twelfth grader.


Let Vested Academics Help Your Student

Reach out to our team of professionals today and discover why more parents trust Vested Academics educational consulting.


Educational consulting, from
kindergarten to college graduation.

Available Everywhere Via
Private Video Conference

Available In Person At Our
Norwell, MA Learning Center

Vested Academics

200 Cordwainer Drive
Suite 201A
Norwell, MA 02061

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sat: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

We Work With:

Grades 1-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
College Students


Our Company
Our Learning Center
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Job Opportunities

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